
6 Rhythms


take steps in your faith


6 Rhythms


take steps in your faith

The 6 Rhythms of Spiritual Growth

Spiritual maturity is an ongoing process of becoming more like Jesus everyday— and it’s a lifelong process! As we surrender to the will of God, He will change us from the inside out through the power of HIs Holy Spirit in us, and through the teaching in God’s Word. At MCC we use these 6 spiritual rhythms to represent the different areas in our lives where the Lord wants us to grow in.


No one is meant to stand alone. God paints the picture of His Church as parts of one body. Connection with others is essential to our growth as a follower of Jesus. (Heb 10:24-25, Gal 6:2, 1 Corinthians 12:25-27, Romans 12:4-5)


This begins with a commitment to attend weekend services on a regular basis, but is not limited to just Sundays. We are to worship God in all aspects of our life. (John 4:23-24, Psalm 150:6, Rom 12:1-2)


God’s desire is to be in relationship with us. He wants to hear from us AND speak to us. The Bible says we can do nothing apart from God, so prayer is essential. (Heb 4:16, Matt 6:9–13, Eph 6:17–18, 1 Tim 2:1)


We believe the Bible is the Word of God. It is living and active, and therefore applies to our everyday life. The more we learn, the deeper our faith grows. (2 Tim 3:16-17, Rom 10:17, Heb 4:12)


We believe money is tied to the heart; that’s why Jesus talks so much about it in the Bible. God desires that we grow in generosity toward Him and others. (Mal 3:8-12, Prov 3:9–10, Matt 6:1–4, Matt 6:19–21)


James says faith and deeds go hand in hand. Basically, the love Jesus has for us spurs us on to love others in our church, community and around the world. (John 13:34, Phil 2:5-8, James 1:27, Gal 5:13–14

How Does It Work?

how does it work?

How Does It Work?

how does it work?

Every relationship with God begins with giving your life to Jesus and being baptized as your first act of obedience to Him. This is where Jesus forgives our sins and gives the gift of the Holy Spirit which allows us direct access to God’s power in all we encounter as we take steps closer to Him.

THE FIRST STEPS toward growing your faith at MCC is attending Growth Track (3-week intro to MCC class) and then Rooted (10-week small group bible study).

1) GROWTH TRACK is offered year round at all MCC campuses. You can sign up using the MCC app or by asking someone for help at Connect Central on a Sunday morning. These classes are offered during one of our service times so they’re as convenient as possible.

2) ROOTED BIBLE STUDY is a discipleship (or spiritual growth) experience designed to connect people with God, the church, and their purpose. For those exploring faith, Rooted reveals who God is and how to live as His disciple. This study is also an opportunity to meet others in the church and learn about the foundations of what we believe at MCC.

YOUR NEXT STEP is to personally assess where you’re at in your faith. We use the 6 Rhythms of Spiritual Growth to help us know what a follower of Jesus should look like. (see graphic at top of this page).

3) The Spiritual Growth Assessment Tool is designed to help you discover which rhythms in your life God might be calling you to grow in. We believe that only God knows your heart, and through the conviction of the Holy Spirit we can each learn which areas God wants to shape us in next. *The Spiritual Growth Assessment is further explained in your last session of Rooted, but can be accessed anytime in the MCC app.

FINALLY, you’re ready to begin the next leg of your journey! Explore the many different opportunities for spiritual growth available at MCC and take your next step today.