We are investing in life-changing relationships to help vulnerable children and their families take steps closer to Christ.

Isaiah 1:17

There are an estimated 150 million orphans worldwide, and we believe that we are all called to do something. It may not mean having a child in your home, but we know that collectively the body of Christ can have a massive, sustainable impact on the orphan crisis. It is our desire to help you find your place in the call to care for vulnerable children in our community.


Indiana is currently in crisis with their need for foster parents. Calls to the child abuse hotline have increased exponentially over the past year.

Foster care is caring for children in your home who cannot safely live with their parents or guardians.

Foster care is designed to be temporary while the parents or guardians prepare to care for their children with the ultimate goal always being reunification of children with their birth families or guardians. However, adoption can be an option in cases where parental rights are terminated.

There are approximately 17,000 children in Indiana in need of services and placement outside of their homes. Although foster parents are not paid an income, they receive financial reimbursement for caring for children; the amount is based upon the needs of the child.

The typical time to complete the licensing process is four to six months. You have control over the age, gender, number of children, known behavior or medical issues, etc. depending on your comfort level.

To begin the process of fostering in your home, complete the form below and a Fostering Hope team member will get in contact with you.

i foster, but could use some help

This is why we have Care Communities! They are assigned as volunteers become available.

Get involved

Below are additional ways you can make a difference in the lives of the vulnerable.


Over 50% of foster families will quit after the first placement largely due to isolation and lack of support. But when supported through a Care Community, then 90% will continue fostering for at least 3 years.


The CarePortal platform bridges the gap between children in need and churches that want to help. Becoming a Care Portal Responder allows you to see the needs of biological families in real-time. DCS submits items that are needed to keep families from entering the foster care system or needed before reunification can occur. Items may vary, like beds, sheets, clothing, and much more, and can be gently used or brand new.

become a foster friendly business

Foster families are of critical importance to vulnerable kids in our community. Your business can help good foster families stay the course by showing them appreciation and helping their growing family. Offer a specific foster friendly discount today!

assist at s.h.i.n.e foster family resources inc.

S.H.I.N.E. offers free resources for Qualified Foster Families, Relative Placements, Kinship and Biological Parents currently working with DCS. Volunteers are needed to gather, sort and organize donations, and to help run the store 9-11am on Saturdays, or for occassional help aiding families with emergency placements in need of immediate resources.

Serve at The Hope House

The Hope House is a place where all who come are on equal footing. A place where kiddos, bio families, foster families, service providers, and supporters can share in the joy of seeing families restored through new relationships and positive community interactions.

We will be a place of safety, during and after a family enters the DCS foster system. Our families will enjoy gatherings hosted by our team, have a safe space for visits to occur, and find support from trained mentors and hosts who are trauma-informed. All while receiving hope and encouragement in their restoration journey.

assist in Family REfuge

“Our mission at Family Refuge is to empower and equip families with the tools for healthy relationships and access to community resources, enabling them to overcome challenging situations.”


Making A Difference Starts Here

Hearing their stories and understanding their realities will start your journey into praying, supporting and being moved by compassion to take the next step.

Why Support Reunification?

Reunification is the goal of all families that enter the foster care system. Our hope is that as the system focuses on the restoration of the family unit through case management and educational services, our God will show up in a mighty way, through our efforts, to restore the hope and joy of all involved.

What is foster care?

This video raises awareness for the foster care system, and the vulnerable children in care who need loving homes.

What difference can Care Communities make?

Care Communities support families through roles such as family helpers, child mentors, and team leader. Learn about how a Care Community works, and what is involved in getting started.

Why is God Calling MCC to Foster Care?

MCC feels called in particular to invest in life-changing relationships to help the vulnerable in our city take steps closer to Christ.