What are groups at MCC?

We believe that we are called to love one another. Love doesn’t happen in isolation; love happens in community. And groups are the primary place that we experience community at Maryland. Groups are where we learn more about who God is, voice our doubts and questions, experience support of other Christians and build the connections that help us to do life with one another.

New Small Group Semester Coming Soon!

Our sign-ups for Fall small groups will begin in late July.
Please check back soon to see all the groups that will be available .

Lead a Group

We would love to talk with you about what it looks like to start a small group at MCC. We will provide training and everything that is needed to facilitate a small group. Let us know you are interested on the form and we will be happy to walk you through the process and answer any questions.

We look forward to hearing from you!

For questions related to groups at MCC, please email Dan Gisel at dgisel@mccth.org