Help us fill our Nativity this Christmas!
As we collect enough money each week through tithes and offerings in MCC Kids throughout the month of December, we will purchase an animal listed below through World Vision for a family in a developing country. Then we will add that animal to our Nativity for our kids to see. Together, we can teach our kids about generosity, what its like for other kids around the world and the birth of Jesus in a humble stable. An animal is a gift that keeps giving throughout the year and gives families the tools to put food on their tables and to be able to generate a source of income!
Chickens ($25) - Sometimes miracles come with feathers. Chickens and their eggs are a beautiful gift of nutritious food for a hungry family. They are easy to breed–so your gift can grow and multiply to create income, share with neighbors, and ultimately make a better life for the whole village.Your gift of chickens will also naturally multiply to impact generations of children. Each family that receives chickens can sell the offspring for extra income or share them with other families in need. Chicks require little money, space, or food to thrive and grow — making them an ideal business venture for a single mom or vulnerable family.
Sheep ($50) - One healthy ewe gives highly nutritious milk for essential protein, vitamins, and minerals, plus plenty of wool to knit warm sweaters and blankets. Sheep often give birth to twins or triplets, which can be sold for income or bred to produce a whole flock of woolly grazers. Plus, sheep’s milk is up to twice as rich as cow’s milk in nutrients like protein, calcium, and B vitamins that growing kids need. It’s a wonderful way to share the love of Jesus, the lamb of God.
Cow ($75) - One cow gives up to 5,000 gallons–or 80,000 glasses of milk in its lifetime. That’s a powerful way to change lives. For good.
Goats ($85) - Their milk provides great protein to help children grow. The family can also sell any extra to earn money for medicines and other necessities.A healthy dairy goat can give up to 16 cups of milk a day. Goat’s milk is easier to digest than cow’s milk and is an excellent source of calcium, protein, and other essential nutrients that growing children need. Goats are practical animals — flourishing in harsh climates while producing valuable manure to fertilize crops and vegetable gardens.
Donkey ($400) - A donkey is a wonderful gift for a struggling family. Reliable and hardworking, they can help transport products, firewood, or other goods to sell at market — or carry a sick child to a distant clinic.