What Do You Meme? A new MCC Student teaching series (Feb 7 - Mar 7)
Jesus often made comments that would confuse those listening. Beneath His words was a profound revelation of God’s kingdom and truth. Simply put, the kingdom of God is wherever God is King. It’s not a specific place on earth or in heaven. It’s everywhere God reigns and his subjects honor him as their ruler. When you follow Christ, you acknowledge him as the Lord of your life. You call him King. At that point, you begin living in the kingdom of God. In his kingdom, human logic doesn't always compute. The laws of living are different, based on God’s greater wisdom. Jesus tells us that "the first shall be last, and the last shall be first," and “riches” are more than just “money.” In God's kingdom, the least are priceless, peace trumps power, and justice wins in the end. Join us on Sundays and Wednesdays as we dive into Jesus' words about God's kingdom!