
There will be three different ministries MCC will partner with this year in our Christmas Full of Giving. Check out the details and find the one that fits best for you!

1. Adopt a Family is a program that supplies Christmas presents for an entire family in the Wabash Valley that needs a helping hand during the holiday season. Adopt a Family is the premier program for Salvation Army and is a huge blessing to every family that is adopted.

Here are a few things to know if you adopt a family:
-- Great service opportunity for small groups or to partner with friends to adopt larger families!
-- You will get a "wish list" from each child in the family before Thanksgiving
-- Suggested giving is $75-100 per child
-- You will have about two weeks from the time you receive your families wish list to when you need presents returned to MCC (Dec. 6)

*Sign up by 11/2 to sponsor one of the 500+ local families needing a little help this Christmas.


2. Angel Tree provides opportunity to personally connect with a child who has an incarcerated parent through Prison Fellowship. In Angel Tree our MCC volunteers will share the good news of Jesus Christ with a family, as well as a gift for their children, during a home visit in December. You will get a list with gift ideas and then provide the child that you are matched with a gift that costs $20 by the deadline in early December. Then you or a team from MCC will help deliver gifts to families in our area as well as share with them the hope found in Jesus.

3. Operation Christmas Child -- MCC is a collection center for Operation Christmas Child - a project of international relief organization Samaritan's Purse. On Oct 25th and Nov. 1 pre-printed shoe boxes will be available to fill with small toys, hygiene items, and school supplies. These shoeboxes are used as a means of reaching out to children in their own communities around the globe with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Return filled shoeboxes to MCC on Nov 22nd. No sign up necessary.