Friday, October 26 - 28
Highland Lake Retreat Center I Martinsville, IN

Planning is underway for this year's MCC Fall Men's Retreat. The question for the weekend is "Are You a Courageous Man?" We'll consider personal righteous and biblical courage for life in our families, in our culture, in the seen and unseen worlds, and courage that is needed for believers in churches abroad. As this age unfolds, it is easy to see how Spirit inspired courage among men will become more and more important!

Those men attending will leave Hwy 46 Campus at 6pm. on Friday October 26, and arrive at the beautiful Highland Lake Retreat Center in Martinsville, IN at approximately 7pm.

From then until returning on Sunday, October 28th at 12pm, there will be relaxing, learning, fun games, good food, worship, prayer and plenty of time around the campfire. Thanks in advance to the families that release their men to participate in this time with other brothers in the faith!

Registration cost for the entire event is just $99.00 per person. Please click below to get registered: