Congratulations on making a decision to follow Jesus!
It’s as simple as praying a prayer like this…
“God, thank you that you loved me enough that you’ve brought me to this moment today. And Lord, I confess to you today that I have sin, shame and regret in my past, and I have missed the mark. There have been times in my life where I have walked away from you, and I have sinned. And I confess that sin to you now.
I thank you for, Jesus. I thank you for his sacrifice on my behalf even while I was still sinning. And I ask Him to be the forgiver of my sins.
I also ask Him to be the leader of my life. Thank you that He has washed me clean, that He has saved me and made me new. I’m thankful that He has set me on this journey. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.”
If you made this decision, let us know so we can help you in your next step including baptism!
Your first 4 weeks of faith.
Start reading your Bible and building a firm foundation with this great resource.