The 2020 “One Church” event (Better Together) is an event based upon John 17:23. We understand that when the unbelievers of our community see us (The Church) coming together in unity despite our doctrinal differences, that’s when they’ll truly believe. This event will be on Saturday, July 25th at the VIgo County Fairgrounds. It will begin at 10 AM with plenty of great food, over 50 blowups and fun activities for all ages, live music performed by the churches involved; plus a book-signing and meet and greet sessions with Brian Head Welch our featured speaker for the evening Brian is the guitarist from the music group KORN. After Brian’s amazing testimony, there will be an invitation for Salvation, with an opportunity for those who accepted Christ to sit down with a local pastor. This will allow us to explain this process, including a personal invitation to a local church the following day. Since it will be an amazing evening of Kingdom growth, and we know that the angels in heaven will be rejoicing; we thought we’d join in that celebration with a huge fireworks display!
This entire event is being offered completely free to our community. The unity described in John 17:23 is a “Perfect Unity”. Consequently,l this event isn’t only about the salvation of the lost souls of our community; it’s also an opportunity for us to grow closer together. A body isn’t a body, , without its many parts (1 Corinthians 12:19-20.) So please join us as we celebrate God, through the unity of His bride “The Church”. Because we are, “Better Together!”