Hope Week is an opportunity for students 6th-12th grade and adults to experience “Serving in His Cause” right here in Terre Haute through mission, worship, and fellowship!
July 26 - July 31st
Students and adults will combine their strengths to provide free home repairs for low-income, elderly, and/or disabled homeowners who are physically or financially unable to make needed repairs.
Sign up below!
SUNDAY (July 26)
5:00pm - Check-in at 12 Points Campus
5:30pm - Dinner in upstairs Elementary Room/Kitchen
6:00pm - Welcome/Vision of the week
6:15pm - Orientation for Work Teams
7:00pm - Close with prayer & head home for the night
MONDAY - THURSDAY (July 27-30)*
8:30am - Breakfast at 12 Points Campus
9:00am - Make lunches
9:10am - Chores & gather work team supplies
9:30am - Head to work sites
12:00pm - Lunch at work site
4:00pm - Cleanup work site for the day
4:30pm - Work teams arrive at 12 Points, drop off supplies and cleanup
5:00pm - Dinner
5:30pm - Worship, devotion and daily sharing time with large group
6:15pm - Small group time (in work teams) to talk about what God is doing and what to look forward to for the next day
7:00pm - Head home for the night
*Tuesday 6-8pm we’ll have a cookout and swimming at Deming Park pool
FRIDAY (July 31)
8:30am - Breakfast at 12 Points Campus
9:00am - Make lunches
9:10am - Chores & gather work team supplies
9:30am - Head to work sites for "beautification day" working on yard, landscaping and last minute things before finishing.
12:00pm - Last lunch with homeowners, present homeowner with a bible and card from the work team.
1:00pm - Head back to church to drop off any supplies, receipts, materials, coolers, etc. and parent pickup
Email Jim Pendleton at jimp@mccth.org for more info.