Our BIGGEST kids event of the year!
Adventure Week is an extraordinary opportunity for kids to encounter God!
This year's theme is Shipwrecked! Rescued by Jesus!
Kids participate in Bible-learning activities, sing songs, play games, make yummy treats, and experience one-of-a-kind Bible adventures. Join us for the best week of a kids' year!
June 18-22 | Daily 9am - 12pm | Location is Highway 46 Campus
REGISTRATION - April 15 - June 10
There will be NO REGISTRATION June 11 - 17. There will be a $10 fee for registration during the week of Adventure Week (June 18 -22).
It's not too late to register to be a volunteer!!!
Crew Leader is for Adults and High School student volunteers 16 years old (by June 18) and older
Assistant Crew Leader is for Middle School Student volunteers 11-15 years old (by June 18)
Transportation will be provided for children attending from the 12 Points campus.
For more info contact Stephanie Bachelor at sbachelor@mccth.org
Ways to Help Ahead of Time
1. Pray
2. Donate (check out the Adventure Week booth in the Atrium)